Monday, 29 August 2011

29-08-11, The day before Lalibela.

Its a 4am start tomorrow as we are leaving Addis to fly to Lalibela. Im not sure of the computer situation in the next place we will be staying so i thought i would post before we left just in case.
Today we went to the Merkato market, which is the largest market in Africa... Theyre not lying, the place is massive, and there are so many people around its practically impossible to move without bumping into someone or getting run over by a man with a wardrobe on his head. There must be more people in that market then there are in the whole of Devon.
After we were done in the market (I say done, we probably got a 1/4 of the way round and decided we had had enough!)We went to Ethiopias national museum.... Parts were interesting but museums are not realllly my cup of tea... Speaking of tea, we went to a cafe in the market, me, Karen, Rhi, and 3 of the boys sponcered by EEA, between us we had 2 teas, one coffee, and 3 fantas. It cost a total of 35birr... and 28birr is the equivilent to 1pound.... Crazy cheap.
The poverty around the market is even harder then it is near the guesthouse, there are less slums but more people actually living on the streets. People with missing limbs, single mothers and babies, we saw one guy with extremely swollen feet, they looked like they had become infected and were about 10 times the size of a normal foot. It left us speechless, its so heartbreaking and I feel so helpless.
I cant pray enough for these people and it would be really great if your thoughts and prayers went out to the people suffering in Ethiopia, and that they come to know the incredible love and grace of God.
Also pray for health in our group, as a couple of people have upset stomachs and not feeling so great.
Im missing home but enjoying my time out here. I feel it is really preparing me for my time away im India, both knowing what to and what not to take with me, and what to expect when i get there. Its also made me realise how much im going to miss people :(
Anyway, I will try and blog again before heading back to the UK but cant make any promises.
Big hugs to everyone xx


  1. You are such an amazing, beautiful girl. So excited to read how God is changing, challenging, drawing and shaping you. Love you so much. Can't wait to see you again soon.
    Mummy xxxx

  2. i had no idea you were doing this .... i think its amazing !! and so are you must be a lifetime experience and i would love to do it ... hope your ok lots of love courtney <3 xx
