Josh, Ellen and Naomi on the plane.
After a long flight on Monday through to Tuesday, we arrived in Kolkata. We weren't just welcomed by Anu (the in country supervisor) but also but extraordinary heat (25-30degrees and very high humidity) and horns honking all over the place.
Me outside the guesthouse.
Its a beautiful city, so colourful and vibrant. But busy and run down. Its such an exciting city, and it never sleeps.
I am missing home, missing Chris, missing my family, but that was bound to happen in the first few weeks. Hopefully it will get easier as the weeks go on. Ive stuck photos and letters and stuff up on the wall to try and make it seem more homely :)
My wall and the gorgeous cushion cover Mum made me.
We went shopping today to buy a salwar kameez (If you don't know what this is then google it). They are beautiful. They're being tailor made though so we won't get them until Saturday. Something to look forward to!
We don't start properly working until Monday, so we have this week to get used to everything and settle in. I defiantly think thats needed as no one has quite adjusted to the time difference.
And in case you're wondering, yes we have a toilet that flushes (ish) and a shower WITH hot water- not that you want that mind.
The bathroom is also infested with ants- but you have endless joy drowning them as they head for you in the shower.
I'm looking forward to the weeks ahead, and for the ball to properly start rolling so we can get stuck in. I'm sure in time India will feel more and more like home.
Heres a few photos from my time so far, enjoy!
Thats all.
Down the street through a market.
The craziest way to hang fruit ever- can't say I've ever seen it done like this before!!
A pretty sweet car... And a man staring at me... Do you think he knew?
One of the thousands of taxis.
Just a tiny tiny portion of the litter and waste on the streets.
Naomi in the front of an auto rickshaw - This was fun :)
So good to see the pictures, keep em coming! I know God will do amazing things with you, through you and for you out there...just keep your heart open and let him work in it. Big hugs. Karen xxx
ReplyDeleteHi, Rebecca here from last years team, will be following your blog with interest, and praying for you all. So jealous you've got six lifechanging months ahead of you, and get to be working with the most gorgeous kids ever everyday! Good Luck! Rebecca xx