Saturday, 3 March 2012

March already?? Bhalo nah.

So much to do so little time! This blog is kinda just a brief overview of some things we have done in the past week or so. And as usual, plenty of photos so you can get a real insight into life out here! Enjoy :)

On the way to Freeset (27th Feb):

Seeing puppies and kittens living on the streets is very common around here. Especially at this time of the year. I just want to take them home and look after them!!! 

Unfortunately, on the same day we saw a dead puppy down one of the back alleys and we found out later that day that it had been strangled and hung. People can be so sick. Its so horrible to hear stories like this, and sadly, there are lots like it. 

That's a nice way to start a blog aye?! Lets move on.

Here's a sneak peek at our action team t-shirts- Printed at Freeset! We managed to buy some 'rejects' (pretty much exactly the same as the real things but slightly wrong colours so can't go out) so we got them early! 

Us pretending to print the t-shirts at Freeset (as requested by Ben at BMS)

Fashioning the tees.

Me and Naomi had a really bizarre experience on the 25th... Anu told us about this Jewellery market type thing and we were quite interested to see what that was like. When we got there we told by the guy at the gate that shops don't open until 12. So we payed 15 rupees to get in and waited. There were people setting up tables etc, signs being hung out for a jewellers... it got to 12.15 and there was still pretty much no one there apart from these guys working and the security guards. So we decided to go up the stairs to where the banners said the jewellery shop was... we walked all around looking in every window. And through these misty, dirty windows, all we saw was old boxes, sheets, a few stacked chairs, and a lot of dust. It looked like no one had been there for years. So confused and almost convinced we were dreaming we went back downstairs and asked one of the guards if any shops will open and he just said 'no shops open today'... What a surreal experience. 

On Tuesday 28th Kolkata had a transport strike. However, for the people of Kolkata this is what they like to call a 'public holiday'. Everyone decides to take the day off for no real reason at all. SO no work for us. We went out to see what the streets are like when the only traffic is that of government run vehicles. (Trams and buses.) A few auto rickshaws were going, and a few bikes speeding around. Other than that, Kolkata was much quieter than usual, and the locals use it as an opportunity to play their favourite sport on the streets!

Playing cricket on the streets.

Making use of the space they don't usually have!

The roads were not as quiet as we had expected but still very unusual for Kolkata to be able to walk in the road for more than 30 seconds and not fear for your life!

Runaway goat!

The quiet streets.

The trams came to a halt along the deserted main road.

The amazing scaffolding that they use here. I know I wouldn't want to be working on it!

On the evening of the the 28th we went up to Anu's house and she taught us all how to make and Indian dish called Chhole Masala which is delicious. I'm looking forward to making it for the family when I get home. They can learn how to eat Indian style. No cutlery involved :)

Me cooking (A rare sight) 

Learning from Anu (behind Ellen)

On the 29th we got up as usual and waited outside the guesthouse gates for the school bus to come- 30minutes later- no sign of it. Soooo we decided we would give up and went back inside (and consequently back to bed). In the afternoon we went out to the tailors to get the blouses made for our new saris! Looking forward to picking those up on the 7th and wearing them on my birthday (20th)! 

On the 2nd we went to school (the bus actually turned up this time). There are so many new children there now. Probably only about 10 of the original children left! And with only 9 moving up to hostel, we're not sure where the others have gone? Slightly concerned. Its a shame a lot of the children we grew close to have gone but we are getting to know the new ones and they're all lovely. 
Yesterday evening we went to Entally girls hostel, armed with nail varnish! It went down a treat. Even Josh was getting involved (Maybe not at his own will- those girls can be pretty strong).

Josh having his nails painted!

The girls enjoying the nail varnish

He's so happy with his new look.

Painting away!

Well that's it really! Not much this time I'm afraid. With all these "public holidays" and school buses not turning up! One last funny thing; Naomi came home from the little supermarket round the corner yesterday with this:

She didn't notice that not only was it for men, but to stop hair fall due to dandruff! Haha!

Hopefully my next blog post will be more interesting! It is Holi on the 8th (Festival of colour) So that should be fun! Hopefully come away with some good photos too. 

I'm afraid that's it from me. We're still trying to fit everything in before we come home. Just under 5 weeks to go!!!

'The Lord himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do no be discouraged.' - Deuteronomy 31:8

H x

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