Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Week four - Pembroke association, Pembrokeshire, Wales.

As you will have seen from the end of my last blog, we arrived at where we would be staying in Broadhaven last Monday which is literally a 30 second walk to the beach. It was absolutely gorgeous and the sun shone the whole week. Thanks God! 
We weren't based with one church this week. We went around various churches all belonging to the Pembroke association. 
We spent a lot of time on the beach, pretty much any spare time we had was spent down there. It was particularly beautiful in the evenings when the sun was setting.

This week hasn't been very busy which has been really nice. Time to try and relax and with the beach so close, it was ideal. Tuesday 22nd was our first proper day, and the busiest. We did an assembly first thing, a ladies meeting and a church service and meal at Fishguard. The service was one of the best we've done yet so that was really good. Its so much easier to talk to people who are jokey and outgoing. Pretty much takes away my nerves so I can talk without 'umm'ing every other word. 
That evening I went back to Glenys' house (where I was staying for the week), got into my pjs, then decided I wanted a glass of water before bed. So I went downstairs and it wasn't until I got down and was talking to her did I realise that this is what my pj top was:

Now Glenys is an old, very devout Christian. Not sure she would appreciate this! So I quickly folded my arms across me and escaped as fast as I could. Hopefully she understood that this t-shirt actually means well.

Wednesday 23rd was free until later on in the afternoon. In the morning we went for a walk along the beach as the weather was just beautiful. In the evening we went to Mount Pleasant to do another service. Its hard for us to tell if it goes well now as we're so used to doing pretty much the same thing every day, but it was well received so can't have been that bad. 

On Thursday 24th we went to a coffee morning at a lovely lovely house up a lovely lovely hill! (This won't make much sense if you've not seen Saving Grace). But it really was! And the view was outstanding. It was nice to do a talk outside in the sun! In the afternoon we went to a primary school and taught a year three lesson there. In the evening we went to Bethesda church to lead two youth groups. It was not easy!! That evening when we got home we went down to the beach to watch the sunset.

Friday 25th I went down to the beach on my own for a couple of ours to have a bit of me time, get away from everything and spend some time with God. No better location to do it really!
In the evening we went to a little chapel in Sutton to do a service. There weren't many people there but we sold quite a lot of Freeset products so it was worth it! 

Saturday was our day off which I spent either on the beach or in the garden enjoying the weather. 

Sunday 27th we lead the morning service at Bethlehem chapel. It was a really small congregation so it wasn't too bad. We had a roast for dinner and then about 2 hours later had a BBQ at a youth group! So much food! We played a few games with the youth and then did a short talk. And in the evening we went to a lovely home group. 

On Monday we had to go to Didcot for a meeting with a couple of guys from BMS... Its a long story. And once that was done and after an interesting journey of trains terminating early, getting on the wrong train and heavy bags on windy staircases, we got to Naomi's town of Littlehampton. 

Another home, another bed. 

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Week Three - Taunton

Yet another week down. Its going pretty fast but with people constantly staying 'Oh so you're not even half way through yet' really doesn't help! But we have had a good week getting to know the lovely people of Taunton Baptist Church, people whom I would love to keep in contact with. 
Here's a run through of our week:

Tuesday 15th - We went to an Old peoples home to give a talk. It was really nice. Of course we had to speak loudly and slowly and, apart from the lady who seemed to like tearing pages out of the hymn books, I think they enjoyed it. They all seemed very appreciative at the end. I could have stayed there all day to chat to them! We met one lady who used to work in India with Mother Teresa. It was so interesting to talk to her and exchange stories! I love old people! However we did have to leave, as that afternoon we had to do another talk/presentation at a ladies fellowship. 

Wednesday 16th - Spent the whole day at Taunton academy, leading assemblies and R.E classes. It was a busy day at whats meant to be the most challenging school in Taunton. I'm pretty sure it went really well and everyone seemed interested in what we were saying. 

Thursday 17th - Back at the academy to lead another assembly and lesson. During the school lunch break we went to Richard Huish sixth form to do the Christian Union which was probably the best part of the week. It was encouraging to be around people who were genuinely interested and of a similarish age to us. They had questions that went beyond 'what was the weather like' and were not only interested in our time overseas but also in our Christian lives and our relationships with God. Having never had Christian friends around me for most of my life, it was great to see that Christians in our generation is not a totally lost cause! This evening we went to Bishops Lineyard Mill for dinner and a look around. They bought their house when it was very run down and the mill wasn't working. In the last few years they have done it up and also made part of it into a museum type thing. Its very impressive knowing they did it all themselves.

Charlie feeding the ducks

The very good Christian part of the museum. 

The working mill.
Friday 18th - We went back to the academy to take part in the Christian Union there. That wasn't so great as the children are a lot younger and a bit crazy! We had the afternoon off but I appear to have issues with sleeping in the day so whilst all the others were dozing, I was passing the time with planning, chatting and blogging. Our first evening event was Kidzone. This is a group for primary school children which offers games and a shortish talk. I got talking to Lyle and Rubie, two 5yr olds with enough energy to fuel 7 cars. We had hilarious conversations about snogging, farts, and kicking people in the 'peanuts'. My relationship with them went downhill when they said I was pregnant and later farted on my lap!! But hilarious all the same. After that group we went upstairs to do a 5min talk to the secondary school aged group. It went well but it was the end of the night and I think they were all just eager to get home! 

Saturday 19th - Day off. We went out for a meal with some people from the church in the evening and then me and Naomi and Anna from the church went out to watch Bebe in 'Cold comfort farm'. Despite her telling me it was awful and being extremely negative, I really enjoyed it and she shone just as brightly as ever. It was great to go and see her but a shame I couldn't properly meet with her- rules are rules. 

Sunday 20th - We lead most of the morning service which ran a lot better than last week so we were happy with that. We went to a farm for lunch and then spent the afternoon putting together final preparations for the evening service. I enjoyed the evening service as we only had about 20mins to fill. So after briefly going over our projects, we then did a short talk on worries and doubts people may have about going on Mission or following Gods call. We linked this to Jonah and how he did everything he could to avoid what God was calling him to do, but when he finally accepted it, God was with him all the way. 

Yesterday (21st) we traveled from Taunton to Haverford west, Wales. Slightly further from home this week! But the place we are staying at is literally 30 seconds from the beach and the sun has been shining ever since we arrived. Its a beautiful place to stay and just what all of us needed. God is good. Bring on week four, the week where 'you're not even half way through' turns into 'At least you're half way through'! 

Here's a snip it of what we are so close to this week:

Beautiful ♥

I'm still missing home a lot but the weeks are going fairly fast so I'm trying to stay positive. 

'The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. Everything you have made will praise you, O Lord; your saints will extol you. They will tell of the glory of your Kingdom and seek your might, so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the gracious splendor of your Kingdom. Your Kingdom is everlasting and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing...' - Psalm 145: 8-16

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Week two - Tiverton. (Or Tivarrtaaan)

Two weeks down!

This week was spent in Tiverton at Tiverton Baptist Church. I'm still struggling to be positive about this whole tour business. I pretty much just want to go home and stay home now! And knowing I will only have about 2 months at home before going to university makes me want to go home as soon as possible. Buuut I don't let it get the better of me and I'm keeping up the smile as always! That's enough negativity for one blog, here's what we have been up to this week:
Monday: Arrived in Tiverton and met Pastor Philip and his wife Margaret. Met the lady us girls are staying with - Sarah. She's absolutely hilarious and we all get on with her really well. The first time we entered her house a blue tit also flew in and we spent the first 15mins chasing it round with a towel and a tennis racket! Best way to break the ice! 

Tuesday: Held an assembly at Castle primary school and then went to a bible study that evening. It was on revelation... I am definitely still just as confused as I was to begin with. 
Wednesday: Day off. We spent today making the most of not having to do anything. Just chilled out at Liz's house. Liz is the youth leader at the church and also the lady who organised our week. We also made Josh a pretty epic cake as it was his birthday the next day. 
A train with 9 carriages!

Thursday: Josh's birthday. Assembly at St Johns primary school in the morning and then another one at Heathcoat primary in the afternoon. In the evening we went to a prayer and share evening where we gave a 30min presentation of our time in India. 
Friday: Took the Christian Union at Tiverton High School. In the evening we had a nice movie and meal night at Liz's with some other people from the church. 
Saturday: Pretty much a second day off as we didn't have anything to do until the evening. The weather was amazing though so me and Naomi went out for a walk and then relaxed in the garden for most of the day which was amazing (yeaaah I did get sunburnt).

 In the evening we went to a BBQ at Sarah's parents (Barbara and Aubrey) farm house. It was a lovely evening. 
Sunset over the fields

Sunday: We took the whole service at church which went okay. Our first time doing the entire service. Its strange as I never really get nervous before doing something but as soon as I'm up on the stage holding the mic my heart starts going so fast I can barely talk! I have issues. 
Tiverton Baptist Church

This evening we went to a Barn Praise service and had a brief interview which seemed quite well received! I love it when people in the audience go 'mmmm' and 'Amen' and nod along!

If you have a minute or two spare (Which you must do as you chose to read my blog- no excuses) read this:

Dear You,
Yeah, you. The one reading this.
Even the fact that you’ve stumbled across these words is further proof of the point that I’m about to make. Don’t believe for a second that you’re reading this by mistake.
Allow me to let you in on something you may or may not already know (or believe). If they’re words you’ve already heard, that’s alright, let them sink in one more time. Because Truth is something that never tires.
You, are invaluable. 
Let me dig a little deeper into the meaning of that word to paint a clearer picture for you. The dictionary defines the word invaluable like this:
“beyond calculable or appraisable value; of inestimable worth; priceless.”
Here’s where the problem lies; you search for and attempt to find your value in so many other places than it’s true source.
“If only I had a body that looked like this…”
“If I have sex with him/her, then at least I’ll be worth something to someone…”
“I’m single. If I was really worth as much as you say I am, at least one guy/girl would pursue me…” 
The only dictionary you should ever use to define your worth is the one that was written by my Savior. I don’t know if you’ve met him yet, but his name is Jesus Christ. His Word says a few things about who you are: you are his precious, beautiful, daughter/son. It’s been awhile, but if I remember correctly they taught us all the way back in elementary school that by definition, the daughter of a king is referred to as a Princess, and the son a Prince. They are to be cherished, honored, admired, and revered. To disrespect them, is to disrespect the king. But don’t be mistaken, you aren’t just the daughter or son of any king; you are the beloved daughter or son of the King of Kings.
God knit you together in your mother’s womb and created you in His very own image. He refers to you, as His masterpiece. The Creator’s greatest creation. Pause for a moment and let that sink in.
For those reasons alone, your value is intrinsic and irrevocable.
It doesn’t matter what you’ve done or what’s been done to you. It doesn’t matter how dark of a past you might have or how broken you may be.
Your value cannot be damaged, destroyed or even diminished.
So please, let the Truth scream louder than the lies.
Next time you hear a voice that tells you that you aren’t worth it, that you have no value, or that you’re unlovable, know this; there is a Love that was purchased for you on the cross. A Love that determined that you were worth dying for. And single, married, or anything in between that Love always has been and always will be passionately pursuing you. So run towards it and embrace it. And never forget that because of that Love, your value is not dictated by whether or not you have a man or woman pursuing you.
Maybe you’re thinking, “I’m too broken for a love like that.” And if that’s you, I am sorry. I’m sorry that you had to experience whatever it is that left you broken. Let me say this: until you bring Him all of the broken pieces, He cannot begin to put them back together. But when you bring them to Him, I promise you that He’ll put them back together more complete and whole than they were before. Because He is a God who makes beauty from the brokenness.
In the same way that His Love cannot be earned, it cannot be lost or taken from you. So breathe easy, because there is nothing you could ever do that could make Him love you less.
Let that be enough.
Rest in that.
Because that is truth.

Monday, 7 May 2012

Let the tour begin! Week one- Totnes (home)

Our Action team tour officially kicked off in my hometown of Totnes. It was great to come home again but I'm kinda gutted that it was my church first as it means I have another 7 solid weeks before I get to come back again! Its been an interesting week. A few things went wrong with our timetable not long before we were meant to be arriving in Totnes so it wasn't as fully packed as expected. This sounds like a good thing but it actually made me feel quite tired. Most of the stuff we did was in the evenings so we didn't have much to do during the day. But here's what we did do.

Monday- Arrived in Totnes. Held 'The Place' - 11-15 year old youth group at church. This went quite well but it was kinda put on us at the last minute so we did what we could!

Tuesday - Planning most of the day and went to "The Greys" homegroup in the evening.

Planning at church.

Wednesday - Went out into the town doing some "prophetic evangelism" - telling local businesses that we are praying for them etc. Very much out of our comfort zones but you never know where you will be planting seeds! This evening was spent at the wonderful Karen Pickering's house. We had yummy food and great conversations with her and another of my friends from church- Rhi.

Thursday - Prayer session with the pastors wife Polly and Seren (church member). This was actually really great. Polly and Seren both had pictures for us all and stuff so it was really inspiring. I wasn't the happiest of people this day either so it was the right day to be told that 'GOD KNOWS'!
We went to another homegroup this evening (The Grapevine) which was a really great evening.

Friday - In the morning we went to a lady called Jayne's house. Shes a member of my church and due to illnesses earlier in her life, this is the first flat she has been able to live in by herself. She was so excited and looked after us amazingly! It was good fun and so nice knowing that we were really needed there to make her house a home.

 After this I took the team to Slapton sands which was good fun. Nice to get some fresh air, especially at one of my favourite places.

Loads of starfish along the beach!

Ellen paddling.

Our art attack!


Naomi with her dinner....


We buried Ellen....

That evening we went back to church at around 9.20, and took part in Street Pastors. We were out in Totnes until 2am, just being there to help out/have conversations with people. It was an interesting evening, handing out lollypops and watching drunk people make fools of themselves!

Saturday - Day off! Made Chris a late birthday cake. Went to the cinema to watch the Avengers.

It went ever so slightly wrong, but I think I made up for it with the mars bar icing and insane decorating skills.

Sunday - We took 3 of the Sunday clubs in the morning. Josh did Kids zone2- yr3-5's, Naomi and Ellen did Rock Solid- yr6-8, and I took on Omega- yr9-11. Taught them about Jesus calming the storm and how he's in as much control of storms/situations when he's asleep as when he's awake. Went down pretty well. We all went to dads for lunch and then back to church for the evening service. We had a half an hour slot where we talked about the projects we worked with in Kolkata, our thoughts and feelings (where I babbled on for ages at high speed) and a story of someone we met whilst out there. It went down pretty well, as far as I know people enjoyed it. I've decided to stop taking up notes when I talk. Sometimes they're needed, but when you're talking about yourself and what you saw etc, it should come fairly naturally. I trust that God will give me the right words and to speak through me to touch the people I'm talking to in the ways that he wants me to. Whether thats what happened or not I have no idea! But it was a good evening.

Rambling on about one thing or another!

And today, Monday, we travel to Tiverton for week two. Reaaaally don't want to leave home, hating saying goodbye once again. Especially to my amazing Chris and wonderful family. Not really feeling this whole tour thing at all but trying to stay positive. Trusting that God will use me to speak to his people throughout the UK. I have to remember that I'm doing this for him! 

'Praise the Lord, my soul; 
    all my inmost being, praise his holy name. 
2 Praise the Lord, my soul,
    and forget not all his benefits—
3 who forgives all your sins 
    and heals all your diseases,
4 who redeems your life from the pit
    and crowns you with love and compassion, 
5 who satisfies your desires with good things
    so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.
6 The Lord works righteousness 
    and justice for all the oppressed.
7 He made known his ways to Moses,
    his deeds to the people of Israel:
8 The Lord is compassionate and gracious, 
    slow to anger, abounding in love.
9 He will not always accuse,
    nor will he harbor his anger forever; 
10 he does not treat us as our sins deserve 
    or repay us according to our iniquities.
11 For as high as the heavens are above the earth,
    so great is his love for those who fear him; 
12 as far as the east is from the west,
    so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
13 As a father has compassion on his children,
    so the Lord has compassion on those who fear him;
14 for he knows how we are formed, 
    he remembers that we are dust. 
15 The life of mortals is like grass, 
    they flourish like a flower of the field;
16 the wind blows over it and it is gone,
    and its place remembers it no more.
17 But from everlasting to everlasting
    the Lord’s love is with those who fear him,
    and his righteousness with their children’s children —
18 with those who keep his covenant 
    and remember to obey his precepts.'

-Psalm 103.
