Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Week Three - Taunton

Yet another week down. Its going pretty fast but with people constantly staying 'Oh so you're not even half way through yet' really doesn't help! But we have had a good week getting to know the lovely people of Taunton Baptist Church, people whom I would love to keep in contact with. 
Here's a run through of our week:

Tuesday 15th - We went to an Old peoples home to give a talk. It was really nice. Of course we had to speak loudly and slowly and, apart from the lady who seemed to like tearing pages out of the hymn books, I think they enjoyed it. They all seemed very appreciative at the end. I could have stayed there all day to chat to them! We met one lady who used to work in India with Mother Teresa. It was so interesting to talk to her and exchange stories! I love old people! However we did have to leave, as that afternoon we had to do another talk/presentation at a ladies fellowship. 

Wednesday 16th - Spent the whole day at Taunton academy, leading assemblies and R.E classes. It was a busy day at whats meant to be the most challenging school in Taunton. I'm pretty sure it went really well and everyone seemed interested in what we were saying. 

Thursday 17th - Back at the academy to lead another assembly and lesson. During the school lunch break we went to Richard Huish sixth form to do the Christian Union which was probably the best part of the week. It was encouraging to be around people who were genuinely interested and of a similarish age to us. They had questions that went beyond 'what was the weather like' and were not only interested in our time overseas but also in our Christian lives and our relationships with God. Having never had Christian friends around me for most of my life, it was great to see that Christians in our generation is not a totally lost cause! This evening we went to Bishops Lineyard Mill for dinner and a look around. They bought their house when it was very run down and the mill wasn't working. In the last few years they have done it up and also made part of it into a museum type thing. Its very impressive knowing they did it all themselves.

Charlie feeding the ducks

The very good Christian part of the museum. 

The working mill.
Friday 18th - We went back to the academy to take part in the Christian Union there. That wasn't so great as the children are a lot younger and a bit crazy! We had the afternoon off but I appear to have issues with sleeping in the day so whilst all the others were dozing, I was passing the time with planning, chatting and blogging. Our first evening event was Kidzone. This is a group for primary school children which offers games and a shortish talk. I got talking to Lyle and Rubie, two 5yr olds with enough energy to fuel 7 cars. We had hilarious conversations about snogging, farts, and kicking people in the 'peanuts'. My relationship with them went downhill when they said I was pregnant and later farted on my lap!! But hilarious all the same. After that group we went upstairs to do a 5min talk to the secondary school aged group. It went well but it was the end of the night and I think they were all just eager to get home! 

Saturday 19th - Day off. We went out for a meal with some people from the church in the evening and then me and Naomi and Anna from the church went out to watch Bebe in 'Cold comfort farm'. Despite her telling me it was awful and being extremely negative, I really enjoyed it and she shone just as brightly as ever. It was great to go and see her but a shame I couldn't properly meet with her- rules are rules. 

Sunday 20th - We lead most of the morning service which ran a lot better than last week so we were happy with that. We went to a farm for lunch and then spent the afternoon putting together final preparations for the evening service. I enjoyed the evening service as we only had about 20mins to fill. So after briefly going over our projects, we then did a short talk on worries and doubts people may have about going on Mission or following Gods call. We linked this to Jonah and how he did everything he could to avoid what God was calling him to do, but when he finally accepted it, God was with him all the way. 

Yesterday (21st) we traveled from Taunton to Haverford west, Wales. Slightly further from home this week! But the place we are staying at is literally 30 seconds from the beach and the sun has been shining ever since we arrived. Its a beautiful place to stay and just what all of us needed. God is good. Bring on week four, the week where 'you're not even half way through' turns into 'At least you're half way through'! 

Here's a snip it of what we are so close to this week:

Beautiful ♥

I'm still missing home a lot but the weeks are going fairly fast so I'm trying to stay positive. 

'The Lord is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. The Lord is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made. Everything you have made will praise you, O Lord; your saints will extol you. They will tell of the glory of your Kingdom and seek your might, so that all men may know of your mighty acts and the gracious splendor of your Kingdom. Your Kingdom is everlasting and your dominion endures through all generations. The Lord is faithful to all his promises and loving towards all he has made. The Lord upholds all those who fall and lifts up all who are bowed down. The eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing...' - Psalm 145: 8-16

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